Monday, August 11, 2014

Walking away

Some days I miss you. And think about you. A lot.

But not today.

Today, I'm walking away.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

He and She


He was there.

Her heart thumped wildly, she imagined butterflies.

He glanced up.

Their eyes met.

She lowered her head immediately, a blush beginning to form. She bit her lips nervously.

She could still feel him staring.

Gathering her courage, she looked up defiantly.

He was gone.


He was there again.

Same time, same place, same seat.

She glanced at him surreptitiously.

He was reading. What book, she can't tell.

She concentrated on her computer. Work, she told herself, work.

But she didn't.

Furtive glances.

A while, and he was gone.



She was there.

Blue blouse, grey skirt.

Biting her lips. Those beautiful lips. Pale pink, like a flower. But more...

Perfect. Or should he say, imperfect?

She fidgeted in her seat. He smiled to himself.

She was nervous. He knew that.

The clock struck three times. He groaned inwardly.

He had to go.

I will come back, he promised.

And he left.


She was there again.

Reading a book this time. Sipping her tea.

She glanced up.

Their eyes met.

In that instant, he lost himself in her brown eyes.

Her eyes widen momentarily, and the moment was lost.

And yet, he still couldn't take his eyes off her.

The phone on the table vibrated.

He had to go.

Should he-

Not today. Maybe next time.

Standing up hastily, he left.


Was it worth it?